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单词 leave 1
释义 [/liːv; liv/] v (pt, pp left [/left; lɛft/])

1 [I, Ipr, Tn,] go away from (a person or place) 离开(某人或某处):
It's time for us to leave/time we left. 我们该走了. *
The plane leaves Heathrow for Orly at 12.35. 飞机於12时35分自希思罗机场起飞前往奥利.

2 [I, Tn] cease to live at (a place), belong to (a group), work for (an employer), etc 不再居於(某地)、 不再归属(某团体)、 不再为(某雇主)工作等:
He left England in 1964 and never returned. 他於1964年离开英国, 一去不返. *
Many children leave school at 16. 很多学生16岁就毕业了. *
My secretary has threatened to leave. 我的秘书威胁说要辞职.

3 [Cn.a, Cn.g] cause or allow (sb/sth) to remain in a certain condition, place, etc 使或让(某人[某事物])处某状态、 某地等:
Leave the door open, please. 让门开著吧. *
Don't leave her waiting outside in the rain. 别让她在外边雨中等著.

4 [Tn,] neglect or fail to take or bring (sth) 忽略或未拿或未带(某物):
I've left my gloves on the bus. 我把手套落在公共汽车上了.

5 [Tn,] cause (sth) to remain as a result 使(某事物)留下而造成某结果:
Red wine leaves a stain. 红葡萄酒能留下痕迹. *
The accident left a scar on her leg. 那次事故後她的腿上留下了伤疤.

6 [Tn, Dn.n,] ~ sth (for sb) hand over (sth) and then go away 留下, 交待下(某物):
Did the postman leave anything? 邮递员什麽也没有留下吗? *
Someone left you this note/left this note for you. 有人给你留下这张条子.

7 [Tn, Dn.n,] ~ sth to sb give sth as a legacy to sb 将某物遗赠给某人:
How much did he leave? 他遗留下多少钱? *
She left you 500. 她遗留给你500英镑. *
leave all one's money to charity 把所有的钱遗赠给慈善事业.

8 [] entrust (sth) to another person 将(某事物)托付给他人:
You can leave the cooking to me. 做饭的事你尽可以交给我. *
leave an assistant in charge of the shop/leave the shop in an assistant's charge 留下一店员照管店铺[把店铺交付给一店员照料].

9 [Tn,] ~ sth (till/until sth) delay doing or having sth 暂时不做或不用某事物:
Let's leave the washing-up till the morning. 餐具留到明天上午再洗吧. *
I like to leave the best bits till last. 我喜欢把最好的留到最後.

10 [Tn] (mathematics 数) have (a certain amount) remaining 剩下(某量):
Seven from ten/Ten minus seven leaves three, ie 107 = 3. 10减7得3. *
There are six days left before we go. 离我们出发还剩下六天.

11 [Tn] have (sb) remaining alive 留下(某人)活在世上:
He leaves a widow and two children. 他身後留下一个寡妇和两个孩子.

12 (idm 习语) be left at the `post be left far behind from the start (of a contest, etc) (比赛等)一开始就被远抛在後. keep/leave one's options open => option. leave/let sb/sth a`lone/`be not disturb or interfere with sb/sth 不打扰或不干预某人[某事物]:
Leave me be! Go away! 别打扰我! 走开! *
I've told you to leave my things alone. 我已经告诉过你不要动我的东西. leave a bad/nasty `taste in the mouth (of experiences) be followed by feelings of disgust, anger or shame (指经历)留下令人厌恶、 气愤或羞耻的感觉. leave sb `cold fail to move, interest or impress sb 未打动某人; 引不起某人的兴趣; 未使某人产生好感:
Her emotional appeal left him completely cold. 她虽动情, 他却无动於衷. *
Jellied eels leave me cold! 我可不喜欢吃鳗鱼冻! leave the `door open allow for the possibility of further discussion, negotiation, etc 门仍开著(有进一步讨论、 谈判等的可能):
Although talks have broken down the door has beenleft open. 谈判虽中断, 但谈判的大门却未关. leave `go/`hold (of sth) release (sth) 松开(某物):
Leave go of my arm you're hurting! 松开我的胳膊--你把我弄疼了! Cf 参看 let sb/sth go (let1). leave sb holding the `baby (infml) give sb unwanted responsibilities ?W把讨厌的事推给别人. leave sb in the `lurch (infml) abandon sb in an awkward situation 弃某人於困境. leave/make one's, its, etc, mark => mark1. leave it at `that (infml) say or do nothing more 就这样算了; 到此为止:
We'll never agree, so let's just leave it at that. 我们绝不能取得一致意见, 还是到此为止吧. leave a lot, much, something, nothing, etc to be de`sired be very, etc (un)satisfactory 令人极(不)满意:
Your conduct leaves a lot to be desired, ie is extremely unsatisfactory. 你的品行极须改进. leave the `room (euph 婉) go to the lavatory to relieve oneself 上厕所. leave no stone un`turned (to do sth) try every possible means 千方百计; 想方设法:
They left no stone unturned in their search for the child's mother. 他们千方百计寻找孩子的母亲. leave sth out of ac`count/conside`ration fail to allow for sth; treat sth as unimportant 忽略某事; 不重视某事物. leave sb/be/go out on a limb => limb. leave sb to his own de`vices/to him`self allow or force sb to deal with problems unaided; not try to control sb 让某人独立处理问题; 不支配某人:
He leaves his staff to their own devices as long as the work gets done he's happy. 他让手下人自行处理--只要工作能完成, 他就满意了. leave sb/sth to the tender mercy/mercies of sb/sth (ironic 反语) expose sb/sth to cruel or rough treatment by sb/sth 任某人[某事物]受他人[他事物]的粗暴对待:
Never leave a silk shirt to the tender mercies of an automatic washing-machine. 切勿用自动洗衣机洗绸衬衫. leave/let well alone => well3. leave word (with sb) give a message (to sb) (给某人)留信息:
Please leave word with my secretary if you can't come. 你要是不能来, 请给我的秘书留话.

13 (phr v) leave sth aside not consider sth; disregard 不考虑某事物; 忽视:
Leaving the expense aside, do we actually need a second car? 费用多少不说, 且问我们真的需要再来一辆汽车吗? leave sb/sth behind (a) fail or forget to bring or take sb/sth 未能或忘记带某人[某物]:
Wait don't leave me behind! 等等--别把我丢下! *
It won't rain:
you can leave your umbrella behind. 不会下雨, 你不必带伞了.
(b) (fml 文) cause (signs of one's actions, an event, etc) to remain 留下(行为、 事件等的痕迹):
a ruler who left behind a legacy of bitterness 使後人痛苦的统治者 *
The storm left a trail of destruction behind. 暴风雨过後留下满目疮痍的景象. leave sb/sth for sb/sth abandon sb/sth in favour of sb/sth else 抛弃某人[某事物]而追求他人[他事物]:
He left his wife for one of his students. 他抛弃妻子去追求他的一个学生. *
leave advertising for a job in publishing 离开广告业到出版界觅职. leave `off stop 停止:
Hasn't the rain left off yet? 雨还没停吗? leave off sth/doing sth (infml) stop sth/doing sth 停止某事[做某事]:
It's time to leave off work. 是下班的时候了. *
I wish you'd leave off whistling like that. 请你不要那样吹口哨了. leave sth off no longer wear sth 不再穿某物:
Pullovers can be left off in this warm weather. 天气这麽暖和, 可以不穿套头毛衣了. leave sb/sth out (of sth) not include or mention; exclude; omit 不包括或不提及; 排除在外; 忽略掉:
Leave me out of this quarrel, please I don't want to get involved. 请别把我拉入这场争吵中--我可不想牵连进去. *
This word is wrongly spelt; you've left out a letter. 这字拼错了, 你漏了一个字母. leave sth over postpone sth 推迟某事:
These matters will have to be left over until the next meeting. 这些事情只好留到下次会议再讨论了. leave 2
[/liːv; liv/] n

1 [U] time absent from duty or work 假; 假期:
sick, shore, annual leave 病假、 离船上岸假、 年假 *
a fortnight's leave 两周的假期.

2 [U] ~ to do sth (fml 文) (a) official permission to be absent from duty or work 准予做某事的假:
be given leave to visit one's mother 获假探母.
(b) permission 许可; 准许:
She has my leave to see him. 她得到我的许可去看他. =>Usage at holiday 用法见holiday.

3 (idm 习语) beg leave to do sth => beg. ,by/,with your `leave (fml 文) with your permission 承蒙俯允. take French leave => French. ,leave of `absence permission to be absent (esp from an official or a military post) 准假(尤指准予离开公职或军务者):
ask for leave of absence to attend a wedding 请假参加婚礼. on `leave absent with permission 休假中:
He's just gone on leave. 他刚请假走了. take (one's) leave (of sb) (fml 文) say goodbye (向某人)告别; 离别. take ,leave of one's `senses (rhet or joc 修辞或谑) go mad 发疯:
Have you all taken leave of your senses? 你们都疯了吗? without as/so much as a ,by your `leave (infml) without asking permission; rudely 擅自; 未经许可; 粗暴地.





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