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单词 lip
释义 [/lɪp; lɪp/] n

1 [C] either of the fleshy edges of the opening of the mouth 一片嘴唇:
the lower/upper lip 下[上]嘴唇 *
kiss sb on the lips 吻某人的嘴唇 *
She had a cigarette between her lips. 她叼著一枝香烟. *
He put the bottle to his lips and drank deeply. 他拿著瓶子对嘴儿大口喝. =>illus at head 见head插图. => Usage at body 用法见body.

2 [C] edge of a hollow container or opening (容器或洞的)边, 口:
the lip of a cup, saucer, crater 杯口、 碟边、 火山口.

3 [U] (sl 俚) impudence 唐突; 放肆:
Less of your lip! ie Don't be so cheeky! 别那麽放肆!

4 (idm 习语) bite one's lip => bite1. button one's lip => button. curl one's lip => curl2. hang on sb's lips => hang1. lick/smack one's lips/chops => lick. one's lips are sealed one will not or must not discuss or reveal sth 闭口不谈; 绝口不道:
I'd like to tell you what I know but my lips are sealed. 我何尝不想把我知道的都告诉你, 只是有口难言. a stiff upper lip => stiff. there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip => slip1.





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