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单词 make 1
释义 [/meɪk; mek/] v (pt, pp made [/meɪd; med/]) make 2

1 (a) [Tn,, Dn.n,] ~ sth (from/(out) of sth); ~ sth (for sb) construct, create or prepare sth by combining materials or putting parts together (用材料或零件)做、 制作、 制造、 建造或创造某物:
make a car, a dress, a cake 制造汽车、 做连衣裙、 做蛋糕 *
make bread, cement, wine 做面包、 制水泥、 酿葡萄酒 *
make (ie manufacture) paper 造纸 *
God made man. 上帝创造了人类. *
She makes her own clothes. 她的衣服都是她自己做的. *
Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是用葡萄酿制的. *
`What is your bracelet made of?' `It's made of gold.' `你的镯子是什麽材料做的?'`是金的.' *
I made myself a cup of tea. 我自己沏了一杯茶. *
She made coffee for all of us. 她给我们大家煮了咖啡. *
This car wasn't made (ie is not big enough) to carry eight people. 这辆汽车不是坐八个人的.
(b) [ esp passive 尤用於被动语态] ~ sth into sth put (materials or parts) together to produce sth 将(材料或零件)做成或制成某物:
Glass is made into bottles. 玻璃可制成瓶子.
(C) [Tn] arrange (a bed) so that it is ready for use 铺(床):
Please make your beds before breakfast. 请在早饭前把床铺好.

2 [Tn,] cause (sth) to appear by breaking, tearing, removing material or striking (藉打破、 撕破、 移去材料或敲击)使(某物)出现, 形成:
The stone made a dent in the roof of my car. 我的汽车顶让石头砸了个坑. *
The holes in the cloth were made by moths. 布上的洞是虫子蛀的.

3 [Tn] create (sth); establish 制定(某事物); 规定:
These regulations were made to protect children. 这些规则是为保护儿童而制定的. *
Who made this ridiculous rule? 这条荒唐的规则是谁定的?

4 [Tn] write, compose or prepare (sth) 写, 创作, 准备(某事物):
make one's will 立遗嘱 *
make a treaty with sb 与某人签订协议 *
She has made (ie directed)?I several films. 她已导演了几部影片. *
I'll ask my solicitor to make a deed of transfer. 我要找律师拟一份让据书. make 3
CAUSING TO BECOME, DO OR APPEAR 使变为..., 做...或显得...

5 [Tn] cause (sth) 产生, 引起(某事物):
make a noise, disturbance, mess 产生噪音、 骚乱、 混乱 *
She's always making trouble (for her friends). 她总(给朋友)惹麻烦.

6 [Cn.a] cause (sb/sth) to be or become 使(某人[某事物])成为, 变为, 变成, 变得:
The news made her happy. 这消息使她很高兴. *
She made clear her objections/made it clear that she objected to the proposal. 她明确表示反对此提案. *
His actions made him universally respected. 他的行为使他受到普遍尊敬. *
Can you make yourself understood in English? 你能用英语把意思表达清楚吗? *
The full story was never made public. 详情从未公之於众. *
She couldn't make herself/her voice heard above the noise of the traffic. 来往车辆噪声很大, 她无法让别人听到她的声音.

7 [Cn.i] (a) force or compel (sb) to do sth 强迫, 迫使(某人)做某事物:
They made me repeat/I was made to repeat the story. 他们逼我又把那事讲了一遍. *
She must be made to comply with the rules. 必须强迫她遵守这些规则. *
He never tidies his room and his mother never tries to make him (do it). 他从不整理自己的房间, 而他母亲也从未想逼他(整理). =>Usage at cause 用法见cause.
(b) cause (sb/sth) to do sth 使(某人[某事物])做某事物:
Onions make your eyes water. 洋葱能刺激眼睛流泪. *
Her jokes made us all laugh. 她说的笑话把我们都逗乐了. *
I couldn't make my car start this morning. 今天早晨我的汽车发动不起来了. *
What makes you say that? 是什麽原因让你说出那种话来? *
I rang the doorbell several times but couldn't make anyone hear. 我摁了几次门铃, 但没人应. *
Nothing will make me change my mind. 无论什麽事都不能使我改变主意.

8 [Cn.a, Cn.n, Cn.i] represent (sb/sth) as being or doing sth 使(某人[某事物])表现出某状况:
You've made my nose too big, eg in a drawing or painting. 你把我的鼻子画得太大了. *
The novelist makes his heroine commit suicide at the end of the book. 那小说作者在书的结尾让他的女主人公自杀了.

9 [Cn.n] elect (sb); appoint 选举(某人); 指派:
make sb king, an earl, a peer, etc 拥戴某人当国王、封某人为伯爵、 封某人为贵族 *
He was made spokesmanby the committee. 委员会派他当发言人. *
She made him her assistant. 她委派他作自己的助手.

10 [, Cn.n] ~ sth of sb/sth cause sb/sth to be or become sth 使某人[某事物]处於某状况或变成某事物:
We'll make a footballer of him yet, ie turn him into a good footballer despite the fact that he is not a good one now. 我们还是要把他造就成优秀的足球运动员(虽然他现在还不是). *
This isn't very important I don't want to make an issue of it. 这并不十分重要--我不想使其成为争论之点. *
Don't make a habit of it/Don't make it a habit. 不要养成那样的习惯. *
She made it her business (ie special task) to find out who was responsible. 她非要弄清是谁的责任不可. make 4

11 [Ln] be or become (sth) through development; turn out to be 演变成(某事物); 结果是:
If you train hard, you'll make a good footballer. 你要刻苦训练就能成为优秀的足球运动员. *
He'll never make an actor. 他决当不成演员. *
She would have made an excellent teacher. 她本可以成为杰出的教师.

12 [Ln] serve or function as (sth); constitute 用作(某事物); 起(某事物)的作用; 组成; 构成:
That will make a good ending to the book. 那就成了这本书很好的结尾. *
This hall would make an excellent theatre. 这座大厅可当作极好的剧院.

13 [Ln] add up to (sth); equal; amount to; constitute 合计等於(某数); 总计; 构成:
5 and 7 make 12. 5加7等於12. *
A hundred pence make one pound. 一百便士为一镑. *
How many members make a quorum? 起码的法定人数是多少? *
His thrillers make enthralling reading. 他的惊险小说引人入胜. *
The play makes a splendid evening's entertainment. 这出剧是极好的晚间消遣.

14 [Ln] count as (sth) 算做(某事物):
That makes the tenth time he's failed his driving test! 他驾驶测验不及格, 这次算第十次了! make 5

15 [Tn] earn (sth); gain; acquire 赚得(某事物); 获得; 取得:
She makes 15000 a year. 她一年挣15000英镑. *
make a profit/loss 盈利[亏损] *
He made a fortune on the stock market. 他在股票交易中发了财. *
How much do you stand to make? 你决计要赚多少钱?

16 [Tn] (in cricket) score (sth) (在板球中)得(若干)分:
England made 235 for 5. 英格兰队5名击球手共得235分. *
Botham made a century. 博瑟姆得了一百分.

17(in card games, esp bridge 用於牌戏, 尤於桥牌中) (a) [Tn] win a trick with (a particular card) 打(某张牌)赢一墩:
She made her ten of hearts. 她打出红桃十赢了一墩.
(b) [Tn] win (a trick) or fulfil (a contract) 赢(一墩); 完成(一定约墩数的约定).
(C) [I, Tn] shuffle (the cards) 洗(牌):
It's my turn to make. 该我洗牌了.

18[Tn] (sl sexist 俚, 性别偏见) succeed in having sex with (a woman) 与(某女子)性交:
The guy doesn't make the girl until the last chapter. 直到最後一章那个男子才和那个姑娘发生了性关系. make 6

19[no passive 不用於被动语态:
Cn.a, Cn.n, Cn.t] calculate or estimate (sth) to be (sth) 计算, 估计(某事物):
What time do you make it?/What do you make the time? 你说现在几点了? *
How large do you make the audience? 你估计听众有多少? *
I make the total (to be) about 50. 我看总数大约50英镑. *
I make the distance about 70 miles. 我估计那段距离约有70英里.

20[Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] (a) travel over (a distance) 走过(一段距离):
We've made 100 miles today. 我们今天已走了100英里.
(b) reach or maintain (a speed) 达到, 保持(某速度):
Can your car make a hundred miles per hour? 你的汽车一小时能开一百英里吗?
(C) manage to reach (a place) 设法到达(某处):
D'you think we'll make Oxford by midday? 我们中午能到牛津吗? *
The train leaves in five minutes we'll never make it, ie reach the station in time to catch it. 火车再有五分钟就开了--我们绝对赶不上了. *
I'm sorry I couldn't make your party last night. 很抱歉, 昨晚我没能参加你们的聚会. *
Her new novel has made (ie sold enough copies to be in) the best-seller lists. 她的新小说已列入畅销书目了. *
She'll never make (ie win a place in) the team. 她绝对进不了那个运动队. *
He made (ie reached the rank of) sergeant in six months. 他六个月後就当上了中士. *
The story made (ie appeared on) the front page of the national newspapers. 这件事刊登在全国各报的第一版上.

21[Tn, Dn.n] put (sth) forward; propose; offer 提出(某事); 提议; 提供:
Has she made you an offer (ie said how much money she would pay you) for your car? 她说过她愿出多少钱买你的汽车吗? *
make a proposal 提出建议 *
The employers made a new offer (ie of a rise in wages) to the work-force. 雇主向工人提出增加工资的新建议. *
I made him a bid for the antique table. 我向他出了个价, 要买那张古董桌子.

22[Tn] cause or ensure the success of (sth) 促成, 确保(某事):
A good wine can make a meal. 有了好酒饭就香. *
It was the beautiful weather that really made the holiday. 是好天气成全了假日之美.

23[It] behave as if one is about to do sth 表现出要做某事物的样子:
He made as if to strike her. 他做出要打她的架势. *
She made to go but he told her to stay. 她好像要走, 但他叫她留下.

24eat or have (a meal) 吃(饭); 进(餐):
We make a good breakfast before leaving. 我们动身前好好吃顿早饭. *
She made a hasty lunch. 她匆匆吃了午饭.

25(Often used in a pattern with a n, in which make and the n have the same meaning as a v similar in spelling to the n 常用於与名词连用的句型中, 其中make和名词之组合与该名词相应之动词同义, 如 make a decision, 即 decide; make a guess (at sth), 即 guess (at sth); for other expressions of this kind, see entries for ns 查阅类似词组见有关名词词条)

26(idm 习语) make do with sth; make (sth) `do manage with sth that is not really adequate or satisfactory 用某事物勉强应付; 将就; 凑合:
We were in a hurry so we had to make do with a quick snack. 我们时间很紧, 只好胡乱吃了顿小吃. *
There isn't much of it but you'll have to make (it) do. 东西不多, 你只好将就了. make `good become rich and successful 变富; 获得成功:
a local boy made good, eg as a businessman 一个发迹的本地男子. make sth good (a) pay for, replace or repair sth that has been lost or damaged 赔偿、 替换或修理损坏之物:
She promised to make good the loss. 她答应赔偿损失. *
make good the damage 修复损坏之物 *
The plaster will have to be made good before you paint it. 要先重新抹好灰泥再刷浆.
(b) carry sth out; fulfil sth 履行某事; 实现某事:
make good a promise, threat, etc 履行诺言、 进行威胁. `make it (infml) be successful in one's career 事业上获得成功:
He's never really made it as an actor. 他当演员从未有所成就. make the most of sth/sb/oneself profit as much as one can from sth/sb/oneself 从某事物[某人/自己]处获取尽可能多的好处:
make the most of one's chances, opportunities, talents, etc 充分利用时机、 机会、 才能等 *
It's my first holiday for two years so I'm going to make the most of it. 这是我两年来的第一个假日, 所以要好好利用一下. *
She really tries to make the most of herself, eg by dressing well. 她确实想尽量发挥自己的优势(如穿著漂亮). make much of sth/sb (a) (in negative sentences and questions 用於否定句和疑问句) understand sth 理解某事物:
I couldn't make much of his speech it was all in Russian. 他的演讲我大部分都听不懂--全是用俄语讲的.
(b) treat sth/sb as very important; stress or emphasize sth 非常重视某事物[某人]; 强调某事物:
He always makes much of his humble origins. 他总强调自己出身卑微. *
She was always made much of by her adoring friends. 她的朋友总是那麽崇拜她. make nothing of sth easily achieve sth that appears to be difficult; treat sth as trifling 轻易做好貌似困难之事; 对某事物满不在乎. make or break sb/sth be crucial in making sb/sth either a success or a failure 为某人[某事物]成败的关键:
The council's decision will make or break the local theatre. 政务委员会将要决定当地剧院的命运. *
[attrib 作定语] It's make-or-break time for the local theatre. 这是当地剧院存亡攸关的时刻. (For other idioms containing make, see entries for ns, adjs, etc 查阅与make搭配的其他习语, 见有关名词、 形容词等的词条, 如 make love => love1; make merry => merry. ) 27 (phr v) make after sb/sth chase or pursue sb/sth 追逐或追捕某人[某事物]:
The policeman made after the burglar. 警察追捕那窃贼. make 7
[/meɪk; mek/] n ~ (of sth)

1 [U] way a thing is made 制造(法):
a coat of excellent make 做工精致的大衣.

2 [C] origin of manufacture; brand 产品出处; 牌子:
cars of all makes 各种牌子的汽车 *
What make of radio is it? 这是什麽牌子的收音机?

3 (idm 习语) on the `make (infml derog 口, 贬) (a) trying to gain an advantage or profit for oneself 追求利益.
(b) trying to win favour with sb for sexual pleasure 为肉欲追求异性.





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