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单词 march 1
释义 [/mɑːtʃ; mɑrtʃ/] v

1 (a) [I, Ipr, Ip] walk as soldiers do, with regular steps of equal length 齐步走; 行进; 前进:
Quick march! ie a military command to start marching 快步走! *
Demonstrators marched through the streets. 示威者在街道中行进. *
They marched in and took over the town. 他们进占了这一市镇. *
march by, past, in, out, off, away, etc 走经、 走过、 开进、 出发、 离开、 开走 *
The army has marched thirty miles today.部队今天已行军三十英里.
(b) [I, Ipr, Ip] walk purposefully and determinedly (含有某目的和决心)走:
She marched in and demanded an apology. 她毅然地走进来要求向她道歉.
(C) [, Tn.p] cause (sb) to march 使(某人)行进:
march the troops up and down 让部队来回练习走步 *
They marched the prisoner away. 他们令监犯齐步走. *
She was marched into a cell. 她被押进一间囚室.

2 (idm 习语) get one's marching orders; give sb his marching orders (infml or joc 口或谑) be told/tell sb to go; be dismissed/dismiss sb 被通知[告诉某人]离去; 被解雇[解雇某人]:
She was totally unreliable, so she got/was given her marching orders. 她完全不可靠, 所以给解雇了.

3 (phr v) march past (sb) (of troops) march ceremonially past (an honoured guest, a high-ranking officer, etc), eg in a parade (指部队)作分列式在(贵宾、 首长等)面前经过(如受检阅). march 2
[/mɑːtʃ; mɑrtʃ/] n

1 (a) [C] action of marching 行军; 行进:
a long, an arduous, etc march 长途行军、 艰难的行进 *
a ten-mile march 十英里行军.
(b) [sing] progress when marching; advance 前进; 进军:
their steady march towards the enemy 他们稳步向敌人进逼 *
the line of march, ie route followed by troops when marching (部队的)进军路线.

2 [C] procession from one place to another by many people, esp as a protest 游行; (尤指)示威游行:
a peace march 为争取和平的游行 *
an anti-nuclear (weapons) march 反核(武器)游行. Cf 参看 demonstration 3.

3 [C] piece of music written for marching to 进行曲:
military marches 军队进行曲 *
a dead march, ie a slow one for a funeral 葬礼进行曲 *
[attrib 作定语] a march tune 进行曲调 *
in march tempo 以进行曲速度.

4 [sing] the ~ of sth the steady development or onward movement of sth 稳定的发展或前进:
the march of progress/events/time 进步的过程[事件的发展/时间的推移].

5 (idm 习语) on the march marching 行进; 行军:
The enemy are on the march at last. 敌人终於出动了. steal a march => steal.
[/mɑːtʃ; mɑrtʃ/] n

1 [U, C] (abbr 缩写 Mar) the third month of the year, next after February 三月.

2 (idm 习语) mad as a March hare => mad. For the uses of March see the examples at April. 关於March的用法见April词条中的示例.





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