[/ˈnesl; ˋnɛsl/] v 用法: 1 [Ipr, Ip] settle comfortably and warmly in a soft place (在柔软的地方)安顿下来(舒适而温暖): nestle (down) among the cushions 在一堆垫子里舒服地呆著 * nestle into bed 躺在暖和的床上. 用法: 2 [Ipr] lie in a half-hidden or sheltered position 处於半隐蔽或遮掩处: The egg nestled in the long grass. 蛋隐藏在高草中. * The village nestled at the foot of the hill. 那村庄位於山脚下. 用法: 3 [Tn] hold (sb/sth) snugly, as if in a nest; cradle 容纳(某人[某物])(使之温暖、 舒适, 如在巢中); 抱; 怀抱: She nestled the baby in her arms. 她把孩子抱在怀里. * The cat lay nestled in the cushions. 猫舒舒服服地卧在一堆垫子中. 用法: 4 [Tn.pr] ~ sth against, on, etc sth push (one's head, shoulder, etc) lovingly against, etc sth 使(头、 肩等)依偎、 紧挨某物: She nestled her head on his shoulder. 她将头依偎在他的肩上. 用法: 5 (phr v) nestle up (against/to sb/sth) settle oneself against sb/sth comfortably 使自己舒服地倚著、 靠著某人[某物]: The child nestled up to its mother and fell asleep. 孩子倚著母亲舒服地睡了. * The dog nestled up against the warm radiator. 狗倚著暖烘烘的散热器. |