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单词 ray 1
释义 [/reɪ; re/] n

1 (a) narrow beam or line of light or other radiation, eg energy or heat (光或其他辐射, 如能或热的)线, 射线:
the rays of the sun 太阳的光线 *
`X-rays X射线 *
`heat-rays 热辐射线 *
[attrib 作定语] a `ray gun, eg in science fiction 光线枪(如科学幻想小说中的).
(b) ~ of sth (fig 比喻) slight indication of sth good or hoped for (好事或所希望的事物的)点滴迹象:
a ray of comfort (for us) in these troubled times 在这些忧心的日子里(给予我们)的一丝安慰 *
a few rays of hope 一线希望.

2 any one of a number of lines, bands, etc coming out from a centre (从中心向外发出的)线、 条、 带等.

3 (idm 习语) a ray of `sunshine (infml often ironic 口, 常作反语) person or thing that makes sb's life brighter or more cheerful 给某人的生活带来光明或快乐的人或事物. ray 2
[/reɪ; re/] n any of various types of large broad flat sea-fish related to the shark, eg the skate 鳐:
a `sting-ray 刺鳐.





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