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单词 severe
释义 [/sɪˈvɪə(r); səˋvɪr/] adj (-r, -st)

1 ~ (on/with sb/sth) strict or harsh in attitude or treatment; imposing stern discipline 严格的; 严厉的; 苛刻的; 纪律严明的:
a severe look, punishment, measure 严厉的样子、 惩罚、 措施 *
a severe critic of modern drama 严厉批评现代戏剧的评论家 *
be severe with one's children 对子女很严 *
Was the judge too severe on the thief? 这个法官对小偷是不是太严厉了?

2 very bad, intense, difficult, etc 非常恶劣、 紧张、 困难等:
a severe storm 猛烈的风暴 *
severe pain, injuries, etc 剧痛、 重伤 *
a severe attack of toothache 牙齿的剧痛 *
The drought is becoming increasingly severe. 旱灾日趋严重.

3 demanding great skill, ability, patience, etc (对技巧、 能力、 耐心等)要求很高的:
a severe test of climbers' stamina 对攀登者耐力的严峻考验 *
severe competition for university places 考大学的激烈竞争 *
The pace of the race was too severe to be maintained for long. 比赛的速度极快, 很难持久.

4 (of style, appearance, clothing, etc) unadorned; simple (指风格、 外貌、 衣物等)无装饰的, 简单的, 朴素的:
Her plain black dress was too severe for such a cheerful occasion. 她穿著黑色连衣裙, 在这种欢乐的场合未免太素了.





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