[/ˈvɜːmɪn; ˋvəmɪn/] n [U, usu pl v 通常与复数动词连用] 用法: 1 certain wild animals and birds (eg rats, foxes, moles, owls) which are harmful to crops and farmyard animals and birds 害兽及害鸟(为害庄稼及家畜家禽的, 如鼠、 狐、 鼹鼠、 枭): put down (exterminate) vermin 消灭害兽和害鸟. Cf 参看 pest 2. 用法: 2 insects (eg lice) sometimes found on the bodies of human beings and other animals 害虫(如虱): a room alive/crawling with vermin 有害虫的房间. 用法: 3 human beings who are harmful to society or who prey on others 为害社会或他人的人; 蟊贼; 害人虫. |