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单词 work 1
释义 [/wɜːk; wək/] n

1 [U] (a) use of bodily or mental power in order to do or make sth (esp as contrasted with rest or play or recreation) 工作; 劳动:
His success was achieved by hard work. 他靠辛勤劳动而获得成功. *
The work of building the bridge took six months. 建桥工作用了半年的时间. *
Years of research work have failed to produce a cure for the disease. 多年的研究工作未能找到医治这种疾病的疗法. *
He never does a stroke of (ie any) work. 他什麽活儿都不干. *
She was worn out with work. 她让工作给累坏了.
(b) use of energy supplied by electricity, steam, etc to do or make sth 使用电、 蒸汽等的能量来做某事物:
Work done by machines has replaced manual labour. 机器生产已经代替了手工劳作. *
The work of calculating wages can be done by a computer. 计算工资的事可以用计算机来做.

2 [U] (a) task, etc that is to be done, not necessarily connected with a trade or an occupation 待做的事(不一定与职业有关的):
There is plenty of work to be done in the garden. 园子里有许多事要做. *
I have some work for you to do. 我有些事要你做. *
You've done a good job of work. 你做了一件很好的事.
(b) materials needed or used for this 做事时需要的材料或工具:
She took her work (eg papers or sewing materials) with her into the garden. 她把活计带到了园子里(如图纸或缝纫材料). *
She often brings work (eg files, documents) home with her from the office. 她常把办公室的工作带回家去做(如文件等). *
His work was spread all over the floor. 地板上到处都是他的工作用品.

3 [U] (a) thing or things produced as a result of work 制造物; 制作品; 成品:
an exhibition of the work of young sculptors 年轻雕刻家的作品展览 *
He was very proud of his work. 他为自己的作品感到自豪. *
Is this all your own work? ie Did you do it without help from others? 这个作品是你独自做的吗? *
The craftsmen sell their work to visitors. 这些手艺人把自己做的工艺品卖给前来参观的人. *
She produced an excellent piece of work in the final examination. 她毕业考试创作成绩优秀.
(b) result of an action; what is done by sb 行动的结果; 某人做的事:
The damage to the painting is the work of vandals. 毁坏这幅画的事是恣意破坏公物的人干的. *
(ironic 反语) I hope you are pleased with your work you've ruined everything! 我希望你对自己做的事感到高兴了--你把一切都毁了!

4 [U] (a) what a person does as an occupation, esp in order to earn money; employment(作为职业的)工作(尤指为了挣钱的):
It is difficult to find work in the present economic situation. 在目前的经济情况下很难找到工作. *
Many people are looking for work. 许多人都在找工作. *
The accountant described his work to the sales staff. 那个会计向营业部的职员介绍了自己的工作情况. *
unpaid/voluntary work 无报酬的[义务的]工作 *
[attrib 作定语] work experience 工作经历 *
work clothes 工作服.
(b) (not used with the 不与定冠词the连用) place where one does this 工作地点; 工作单位; 工作部门:
He has to leave work early today. 他今天得早点儿下班. *
She goes to/leaves for work at 8 o'clock. 她8点钟去上班. *
What time do you arrive at/get to work in the morning? 你早晨几点钟上班? *
Her friends from work came to see her in hospital. 她工作部门的朋友到医院来看望她. =>Usage 见所附用法.

5 (a) [C] piece of literary, musical or artistic composition; artistic creation 文学、 音乐或艺术作品; 艺术创作:
Have you read her latest work? 你读过她最近的作品吗? *
a new work on (ie book about) Elizabethan poetry 论述伊丽莎白时代诗歌的新书 *
a new work by the composer of `Cats' 《猫》的作曲家的新作 *
He recognized the painting as an early work by Degas. 他认出了这幅画是德加的早期作品.
(b) works [pl] all the books written by a writer or the compositions of a composer (一个作家创作的)全部著作; (一个作曲家创作的)全部乐曲:
the collected/complete works of Shakespeare 莎士比亚选集[全集] *
the works of Beethoven 贝多芬的全部作品. Cf 参看 opus 1.

6 [U] (physics 物) use of force to produce movement 功; 作功. Cf 参看 joule.

7 [U] (in or forming compounds 用以构成复合词) (a) things made of or (the skill of) making things in the specified material (用某种材料)制造物品(的技艺)或其制成品:
`wickerwork *
`woodwork *
(b) things made or work done with the specified tool (用某种工具)制作或其制成品:
`needlework *
(C) ornamentation of a specified type 某种类型的装饰:
`latticework *
`paintwork *
`filigree work.
(d) structure of the specified type 某种类型的结构:
`framework *
`network *
`bodywork.8 the works [pl] moving parts of a machine, etc; mechanism (机器等的)活动部件; 机械装置:
the works of a clock 钟的活动部件 *
There's something wrong with the works. 机械装置出故障了.

9 works [pl] (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) operations involving building or repair 建筑或维修的工程:
`road-works 道路施工 *
,public `works 公共设施工程.

10 works [sing or pl v] (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) place where industrial or manufacturing processes are carried out 工厂:
the engi`neering works 机器制造厂 *
a `brick works 砖厂 *
The `steel works is/are closed for the holidays.这座钢厂假期停工. *
There has been an accident at the works. 这家工厂出了一次事故. =>Usage at factory 用法见factory.

11 the works [pl] (infml) everything 所有的事物:
She was wearing a tiara, a diamond necklace and a gold bracelet the works! 她戴著个冕状头饰、 一条钻石项链还有一个金手镯--全套首饰!

12 (idm 习语) all in a day's work => day. at `work (a) at the place where one works 在工作的地方:
Please don't ring me at work. 打电话请不要打到我上班的地方. *
I've left my bag at work. 我把提包落在上班的地方了.
(b) having an effect; operating 在起作用; 在运转:
She suspected that secret influences were at work. 她怀疑有些势力暗中作祟. at work (on sth) busy doing sth 忙著做某事物:
He is still at work on the restoration. 他仍忙著做维修工作. *
They were watching the artist at work. 他们看著那个艺术家忙个不停. the devil makes work for idle hands => devil1. dirty work => dirty1. get (down) to/go to/set to `work (on sth/to do sth) begin; make a start 开始; 著手干. give sb/sth the `works (infml) (a) give or tell sb everything 把一切都给某人或都告诉某人.
(b) give sb/sth the full or best possible treatment 全面或周到地对待某人[某事物]:
They gave the car the works and it looks like new. 他们把这辆汽车彻底维修了一遍, 整旧如新.
(C) treat sb harshly or violently 粗暴地对待某人. go/set about one's `work do/start to do one's work 做[著手做]自己的工作:
She went cheerfully about her work. 她高高兴兴地做她的工作. ,good `works acts of charity 善行; 善举:
do good works 做善事. gum up the works => gum2. have one's `work cut out (doing sth) (infml) have sth difficult to do, esp in the available time 有困难的事要做(尤指在现有的时间内):
You'll have your work cut out getting there by nine o'clock. 你得在九点钟以前赶到那里. in `work/out of `work having/not having a paid job 有[没有]工作:
She had been out of work for a year. 她已失业一年了. *
He was looking forward to being in work again. 他巴不得能再就业. *
[attrib 作定语] an ,out-of-work `actor 失业的演员. make hard work of sth => hard1. make light work of sth => light3. make short work of sth/sb => short1. many hands make light work => hand1. a nasty piece of work => nasty. nice work if you can get it => nice. put/set sb to `work make sb start working on sth 使某人开始做某事. shoot the works => shoot1. a spanner in the works => spanner. the work of a `moment, `second, etc thing that takes the specified (usu short) time to do 某段时间(通常指短时间)可做的事情:
It was the work of a few moments to hide the damage. 只需一会儿就可以把损坏的地方遮掩起来. work 2
Job and task are countable nouns indicating a piece of work that a person does. *
job 和 task 均为可数名词, 指人做的工作. Job is general and may be hard or easy, pleasant or unpleasant *
job 用得很广, 所指的工作或难或易, 或喜爱或厌恶均可:
Some people tackle the difficult jobs first. 有的人爱先做难做的工作. *
I've been given the enjoyable job of presenting the prizes. 要我做的工作是发奖这件美事. It can also refer to a long-term occupation. 这个词还可指长期的职业. A task is usually short-term and requires effort. *
task 通常指短期的且需努力做的工作. It may not be voluntary 这个词指的不一定是自愿做的工作:
The teacher gave the children holiday tasks. 老师给小学生布置了假期作业. It can also refer to long-term objectives这个词还可指长期的目标:
the important tasks facing the new government 新政府面临的重要任务. Work, labour and toil are uncountable nouns indicating the activity needed to perform a job. *
work、 labour、 toil 均为不可数名词, 指做工作的行为. Work is the most general *
This job will require a lot of hard work. 这项工作要十分努力才能做好. *
He's got a lot more work to do on the book. 这本书他还有许多工作要做. Labour suggests physical effort *
labour 指体力劳动:
He was sentenced to 10 years' hard labour. 他被判十年劳役. *
Manual labour has become unpopular with young people. 体力劳动年轻人已经不喜欢做了. Toil is formal and is used of hard, lengthy work *
toil 较文, 用以指费力、 费时的工作:
workers exhausted by years of toil 长年辛劳而筋疲力竭的工人. work 3
[/ɜːk; wək/] v (pt, pp worked or, in archaic use, esp in sense 7, wrought 古语拼作wrought, 尤用於下述第7义 [/rɔːt; rɔt/])

1 [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (away) (at/on sth); ~ (for sb/sth); ~ (under sb) do work; engage in physical or mental activity 做工作; 从事体力劳动或脑力劳动:
Most people have to work in order to live, ie to earn a living. 大多数人均须工作以维持生活. *
She isn't working now, eg because she is unemployed or retired. 她现在不工作了(如已失业或退休). *
I've been working (away) (at my essay) all day. 我整天都在(不停地)做著(我的论文). *
The miners work (for) 38 hours per week. 这些矿工每星期工作(达)38小时. *
He is working on a new novel. 他正在写一部新小说. *
She works for an engineering company. 她在一家工程技术公司工作. *
I've worked under her (ie with her as my boss) for two years. 我在她手下工作两年了. *
This craftsman works in leather, ie makes leather goods, etc. 这个手艺人是做皮货的.

2 [Ipr, It] ~ against/for sth make efforts to defeat sth or to achieve sth 努力反对某事物或促成某事物:
work against reform 竭力反对改革 *
a statesman who works for peace 为争取和平而努力的政治家 *
The committee is working to get the prisoners freed. 委员会正尽力搭救那些遭监禁的人出狱.

3 (a) [I] (of a machine, device, etc) function; operate (指机器、 设备等)运作, 运转:
a lift, bell, switch that doesn't work 失灵的电梯、 电铃、 开关 *
The gears work smoothly. 这个传动装置运转很灵活. *
This machine works by electricity. 这台机器是电动的.
(b) [I, Ipr] ~ (on sb/sth) have the desired result or effect (on sb/sth) (对某人[某事物])产生预期的结果或作用:
Did the cleaning fluid work (on that stain)? ie Did it remove it? 这种洗涤剂(对那块污斑)管用吗? *
My plan worked, and I got them to agree. 我的想法奏效了, 我让他们同意了. *
His charm doesn't work on me, ie doesn't affect or impress me. 他的魅力对我不起作用.

4 [Tn,] cause (oneself/sb/sth) to work; set (sth) in motion 使(自己[某人/某事物])工作; 开动(某物):
She works herself too hard. 她把自己累坏了. *
Do you know how to work a lathe? 你会开车床吗? *
This machine is worked by electricity. 这台机器是电动的. *
Don't work your employees to death. 别把你的雇员都累死.

5 [Tn] manage or operate (sth) to gain benefit from it 管理或经营(某事物)(以获利):
work a mine, an oil well 经营一个矿、 一个油井 *
He works the North Wales area, eg as a salesman. 他在北威尔士地区做生意(如当推销员).

6 [Tn] produce or obtain (sth) as a result of effort; effect 努力产生或获得(某事物); 使奏效:
work harm, mischief, havoc 造成伤害、 损害、 毁坏 *
work a cure, change, miracle 获得痊愈、 产生变化、 创造奇迹.

7 [Tn,] ~ sth (into sth) make or shape sth by hammering, kneading, pressing, etc (用锤、 揉、 压等方法)制作某物或给某物定形:
work gold, iron, etc 打制金器、 铁器等 *
work clay, ie knead it with water 捏黏土 *
work dough, ie when making bread 揉面团 *
work the mixture into a paste 把这种混合物调成糊状 *
iron worked into ingots 铸成锭的铁. Cf 参看 wrought.

8 [Tn,] ~ sth (on sth) make sth by stitching; embroider sth 缝制或 制某物:
work (a design on) a cushion-cover 缝制软垫的套(把图案 在软垫的套上) *
work one's initials on a handkerchief把自己名字的首字母 在手绢儿上.

9 [I] (of yeast) ferment (指酵)发酵.

10 [I] (of sb's features) move violently; twitch (指人的五官)抽动, 扭曲:
His lips worked as he tried to swallow the food. 他使劲儿把食物咽下去, 嘴唇都扭曲起来. *
Her face worked as she stared at him in terror. 她惊恐地注视著他, 脸也吓得抽动起来.11 [Ipr, Ip,, Tn.p] (cause sth to) move, pass, etc into a new position, usu gradually or with an effort (使某物)移动到、 经过...新的位置(通常指逐渐地或费力地):
Rain has worked in through the roof. 雨水透过房顶逐渐渗进屋子里. *
The back of your shirt has worked out of your trousers. 你衬衫的後摆已经抻到裤子外边来了. *
Work the stick into the hole. 把棍子慢慢插进洞里. *
The story is too serious can't you work a few jokes in? 这个故事太正经八百了--你能不能插进几个笑话?

12 [La, Cn.a] (cause sth/sb to) become (free, loose, etc) through pressure, vibration, etc (使某事物[某人])(通过压挤、 振动等)变(松脱、 松动等):
I was tied up, but managed to work (myself) free. 我被捆绑起来, 但设法挣脱开了. *
The screw worked (itself) loose. 那个螺丝钉松了. *
There's a piece of wood jammed under the door can you work it clear? 有块木头挤在门下面了--你能把它弄掉吗?

13 (idm 习语) work it, things, etc (infml) arrange matters 把事情办成:
Can you work it so that we get free tickets? 你能不能给我们弄几张免费票? *
How did you work that? 你是怎麽办成的? (For other idioms containing work see entries for ns, etc 与work搭配的其他习语见有关名词等的词条, 如 work to rule => rule; work one's way => way1.) 14 (phr v) work around/round to sth/sb gradually approach (a topic, subject, etc) 逐渐接近(一话题、 问题等):
It was a long time before he worked around to what he really wanted to say. 他说了半天才绕到他真正要说的问题上来.





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