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单词 in spring(in the spring)
释义 spring , in ~: in the ~- 976
一般说来,这两个短语同义,都作“在春季”讲,并可通用;只是在某些语言环境中, in spring 指一般的春季,而 in the spring 则是指特定的春季(注: in ( the ) summer , in ( the ) autumn 和 in ( the ) winter 也都是这样)。
These birds come from the south in spring every year. 这些鸟每年春季从南方飞来。(是指每年春季)
That which doth blossom in the spring will bring forth fruitin the autumn. 春季开花的树,到了秋季才能结果。(一般说来,可以与 in spring 和 in autumn 通用)
It happened in the autumn of 1977. 这是在 1977 年秋季发生的。(要受 1977 年的制约)
The forest had been green in the summer when we had come into the town. 当我们来到镇上的时候,夏季的森林一片郁郁葱葱。(要受 when-clause 的制约)




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