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单词 than he(than him)
释义 than he : than him-1021
1a. 一般说来,由 than 这个连词来连接的成分要求在格上取得一致;但在有些地方,根据不同的语言环境,它既可连接主格又可连接宾格。试举例来说明。
Peter is taller than I. 彼得的个子长得比我高。( = … than I am tall )
I am younger than he. 我比他年轻。( = … than he is young )
They treated him worse than she. 他们对待他比她对待他更差。( =than she treated him )
They treated him worse than her. 他们对待他比对待她更差。( = … than they treated her )
1b. 由 than 连接的那个代词如果后面饰有 all 或 both ,那么,那个代词只能是宾格,不是主格。
David is taller than us all. 大卫比我们谁都长得高些。(不说… than we all )
A stone is heavy and sand is weighty, but a fool's wrath is heavier than them both. 石重土重,比不上愚者的戆心重。
(不说… than they both )
1c. 如果连接的是个名词,看不出格的区别,这时候,就得具体问题具体理解和分析。
Jenny love the dog more than her child. 詹尼爱狗比爱她自己的孩子还要爱。(这样理解,这一句便是“… morethan she loves her child ”的省略。)
Jenny loves the dog more than her child. 詹尼要比她的孩子更爱这头狗。(这样理解,这一句便是“… more than her child loves the dog ”的省略。)
A philosopher would make a better thinker than a warrior. 哲学家要比一个武士更容易充当思想家。( = … betterthan a warrior would make a thinker. 显然, warrior 是主格。)
A philosopher would make a better thinker than a warrior. 哲学家充当思想家比充当武士更容易。( = … better than he would make a warrior. 显然, warrior 是宾格。)




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